In an unstable market environment, the functioning of enterprises, especially in the agricultural sector of the economy, an important place in the financial management system is occupied by effective asset management as the basis for the use of available financial resources in the process of agro-industrial production. One of the most important components of this process is the management of the asset structure of enterprises, which is formed under the influence of specialization, production volumes, technology and technical support of production processes, provision of enterprises with material resources, etc. In the current volumes of government, the relevance of supplying a sufficient obligation of working capital with the method of effective activity of enterprises, which is a priority for the economy of Ukraine, is growing – a strong government. The article is dedicated to the management of enterprise assets as one of the most important categories of financial management in terms of efficiency of formation and achievement, which treats positive financial results of strong financial activity, uninterrupted capital turnover. The structure of the balance of agricultural enterprises of Vinnytsia region is analyzed, the lion's share in the structure of current assets, whose role is key in ensuring the continuity of agro-industrial production, and the volume determines the creditworthiness and investment attractiveness of agricultural enterprises. An important place in the study is given to the assessment of liabilities of the balance of agricultural enterprises, which reveals the state and problems of financing their activities, the need for specific trends in sources of financial resources and taking into account the definition of financial resources in their expansion agriculture.
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