Ukraine's customs goal is to create a smart custom that will fully identify its automaticity. Automation of customs procedures is an ongoing process due to the constant development of innovative technologies, the implementation of which requires a strategy of targeted development, overcoming existing problems and eliminating inaccuracies, helping to optimize customs activities in the context of European experience. The main aspects of the IT strategy for the development of Ukrainian customs are systematized, which should be optimized to international standards and ensure fast, high quality and transparent activities. It is proposed to introduce customs cards in Ukraine as one of the innovative ways to develop the customs sphere and ensure economic relations between these spheres. Special attention in customs automation should be paid to information security, as along with the development of digital technologies, digital forensics is actively advancing and the level of Internet danger is growing. The use of modern technologies has the advantage of saving time, and also allows you to compare the possibilities of electronic document management, declaration and remote payment of necessary customs duties.
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