The interpretation of the concept of "capital investment" is given. The role of capital investments at the state and regional levels is substantiated. The competitive advantages of Lviv region in comparison with other regions of Ukraine in attracting capital investments are determined. It is proved that the rational use of competitive advantages is a guarantee of accelerated development of the region's economy and a guarantee of stable improvement of the quality of life of residents in the future. Based on statistical data, the dynamics of capital investments and the amount of capital investments per capita in Lviv region for 2016-2021 are analyzed. Graphically is showed the increase (decrease) in capital investment. It is determined that the volume of capital investments in Lviv region during 2016-2018 grew, but from the end of 2019 there was an “investment pause”. The dynamics of capital investments by types of capital contributions (investments in tangible and intangible assets) is given and it is found that the vast majority were investments in tangible assets (costs of purchasing machinery, equipment and inventory, construction of engineering structures, construction of non-residential buildings). The dynamics of capital investments by types of economic activity is given and the most investment-attractive types of economic activities in the region are identified: industry, construction, public administration and defense, compulsory social insurance. It is determined that in recent years investments in public administration and defense have significantly intensified. The structure of capital investments by sources of financing is given and it is established that the main source of financing of capital investments remains own funds of enterprises and organizations, the share of state and local budgets has increased, investments at the expense of bank loans and other loans have decreased. It is proved that the largest reduction in capital investment in 2020 was demonstrated by service-oriented industries, which were included in the list of restrictions on quarantine activities (air transport, arts, sports, entertainment and recreation, food and beverage activities).
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