• Оksana Polishchuk National Aviation University
  • Аnatolii Ovsyankіn National Aviation University
Keywords: management, educational organization, parties concerned, competence approach, subsystem of management requirements, monitoring, case frame, requirements


The purpose of the article is to substantiate the scientific and practical achievements in the management of requirements in the activities of educational organizations. Methodology of research. The achievement of the goal set in the article is carried out with the help of the following research methods: logical generalization and scientific abstraction, structural analysis, analytical method. Findings. To track actions and results at all stages of using the model, the implementation of ARIS Express software is proposed, which allows analyzing the requirements of all stakeholders, developing and documenting all design decisions, implementing a system of competence control and implementing necessary changes in case of non-compliance when changing requirements. The model involves interaction with both external and internal stakeholders of the educational project. The proposed templates of the main documents in the software «ARIS Express» on the results of actions in the stages of the model can be further expanded and improved in accordance with ISO 21001. The prospect of further research of the requirements management subsystem is to solve problems and develop measures to ensure its functioning in the overall management system of the educational organization. Practical value. For the practical implementation of the subsystem, a conceptual model is proposed, which is based on a graphical object-oriented approach according to the ARIS methodology. To track the main actions and results at the stages of model implementation, the introduction of ARIS Express software is proposed, which allows to analyze and summarize requirements, document design decisions, provide a system of competence control, monitor and make changes to the educational process. Taking into account current trends in the development of requirements management systems and the requirements of ISO 21001, the task is to develop a requirements management subsystem in the management system of the educational organization, which includes all actions with requirements for their receipt and analysis to ensure learning outcomes.


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