Keywords: biofuel, bioethanol, biogas, restructuring, alcohol, modernization, energy independence


The aim of the article is to determine the directions of improving the functioning of distilleries as a direction of energy independence. The relevance of the study lies in the need for directions of development in the medium and long term mechanisms to ensure energy independence of Ukraine's economy. The study used a set of general and special methods: economic analysis – in determining the effectiveness of distilleries in their reorientation to the production of biofuels; analysis and synthesis – with a combination of components of economic phenomena in a single process; graphic – with a visual display of the multiplicative effect; grouping – with the established dependences of the efficiency of management of distilleries in the production of biotanol and biogas. The need to restructure distilleries with a focus on bioethanol and biogas production as a means of achieving Ukraine's energy independence is substantiated. The advantages and disadvantages of biogas in comparison with natural gas are investigated. The additional ecological and economic effect from the implementation of the relevant types of production activities of distilleries is determined. The assessment of the attractiveness of the energy market was carried out on the basis of: assessment of the capacity of the natural gas and gasoline market, forecast of prospects of distilleries to enter certain market segments with new products (biogas and biofuels). Potential opportunities to achieve dominance in the market of this product in the energy market are proved. The main restraining factors for the development of biogas production at distilleries have been studied. The strategic directions of development of the privatized plants of Ukrspirt have been determined through a set of measures that will have a multiplier effect. Argued strategic priorities for the revival of the alcohol industry, which include modernization and reorganization of all production sites of these enterprises. An assessment of the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in the production of electricity and heat (due to the use of biogas). It is determined that the proposed measures will increase investment in the industry, increase gross regional product and profitability of the alcohol industry.


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