Public authorities and organizations responsible for creating advertising and information technologies to prevent urgent, important social problems, such as the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, have the task of skillfully communicating this situation to the public without causing panic or other negative reactions to information warfare and cybersecurity. In our country and abroad, social advertising and information technologies are actively used as a means of influencing the decisions of citizens and their opinions. Given the relevance of the study, the authors analyzed measures to ensure a social advertising and information campaign against the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. The authors of the article give examples of advertising appeals of the Ministry of Health and other public authorities to the citizens of Ukraine, created to prevent the negative consequences of the spread of coronavirus disease. Particular attention is paid to the role of social advertising as an effective technology of information appeals to society. In addition to social advertising, the article notes the relevance of the use of other technologies for providing information to the public, including posting information about COVID-19 on booklets, billboards, and city lights with the necessary appeals. Emphasis is placed on the important role in providing quality information to the public about the pandemic of digitalization processes, including the development of interactive maps of morbidity, sending SMS notifications with relevant information about the pandemic, involvement in the advertising campaign application “Diia”, creating educational and training courses It is established that ensuring the effectiveness of the social function of the state should be carried out with timely detection and elimination of misinformation and fakes in information sources, in particular in social networks. The results of the study can be useful for public authorities to form an optimal set of social advertising and information technologies that can be used to counter the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic or other diseases.
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