This article analyzes the most common software tools that optimize the work of the enterprise. A detailed analysis was performed and the software was characterized. The system software market is similar in general in certain types and functions, but the most common are «DeloPro», CRM-solution system «Parus», «Vchasno», «HugeProfit», «ISpro» In the current market situation, special attention is paid to the optimization of corporate activities. It should be noted that the creation of a certain amount of material resources is the main condition for ensuring the continuity of the production process. Optimization of workflow and effective business management are the main problems that have a decisive impact on the competitiveness and financial performance of the enterprise. Reducing labor costs, inventories, resources save a significant amount of profits, which are further used in new investment projects, business expansion and equipment. The disadvantages and advantages of the above software, their functionality in terms of optimizing the activities of different entities were identified. A number of criteria for comparing the analyzed software are substantiated. The authors propose the use of a linear model of weighted sums to build a utility function for each of the studied software. To compare the software, multi-criteria analysis was also used, which leads to an extensive determination of the best criteria and indicators of the software. The utility function was used for ranking according to seven-point criteria. The tabular method helped to identify the main shortcomings in the use of the enterprise. In the future, these calculations can be used to analyze other software products and the authors of the article provided several approaches. As a result, the optimal software product was the one that has the maximum value of the utility function, namely, "HugeProfit". Cash flow assessment, customer collaboration, and software integration into various management systems are a competitive advantage in the computer software market. All these features include "HugeProfit" and various templates for easy use. Its application helps to increase the competitiveness of the business, improve the financial position and profits of the business by optimizing management.
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