Keywords: logistics, logistic potential of the region, components of logistic potential, innovative development


The article is devoted to topical issues of the state and development of components of the logistics potential of the region. The importance of calculating the Logistics Performance Index (LPI) as a tool for measuring the rating position of a country and regions among the world community is studied. Ukraine’s rating for the analyzed years is quite ambiguous. In recent decades, the country is one of the countries with an index value below the average, with a gradual improvement in certain positions in the ranking. The paper points out that the geographical location of Ukraine contributes to the development of the logistics system and this can be a key factor in economic growth and competitiveness of the country. Most attention is paid to defining the essence of the concept of “logistics potential of the region” on the basis of an integrated approach. This approach allows you to adapt the logistics potential to the specifics of a particular region, integrate into supply chains and consider it as the potential of the set of potential components available in the region. The state of the basic structural components of logistic potential of the Mykolaiv area (transport, warehouse, transit, personnel, consumer and marketing, digital, spatial) is defined. The influence of the components of the logistics potential on the innovative development of the region is estimated. Its advantages, disadvantages and impact on the economic performance of other related industries and sectors are listed. Its advantages of the logistics potential of Mykolaiv region are favorable geographical location, high transit potential, availability of ports, the possibility of multimodal transportation of goods, leading position in grain, oil, ore and ferrous metals, the presence of enterprises that have their own logistics system and constantly develop it. The disadvantages are the low technical condition of the roads, the outdated fleet of carriers, the lack of innovative infrastructural logistics facilities, as well as the low level environmental safety. The key aspects of development of logistics potential of Mykolaiv region are outlined and it is pointed out that the integration of efforts in this direction will allow to implement innovative solutions in production processes, transport, communications, business and promote innovative development of the region.


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How to Cite
Mihai, N. (2022). LOGISTICS POTENTIAL AS A DRIVING FORCE OF REGIONAL INNOVATIVE DEVELOPMENT. Economy and Society, (36). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2022-36-18