The article notes the urgency of improving the efficiency of modern enterprises for the creation of long-term relations of cooperation with other market participants on a mutually beneficial basis. It is stated that the purpose of the study is to choose methodological tools for practical justification of recommendations for the formation of strategic directions of marketing activities of enterprises and the creation of long-term relations of cooperation between market partners on a mutually beneficial basis. It is noted that enterprises need to review the existing directions of development of their activities and find more effective ones that will lead to increased competitiveness. Approaches to the formation of enterprise development strategies under unstable market conditions are analyzed. The most appropriate methodological approaches for determining the strategic directions of enterprises are indicated. A modified formula of the integrated indicator of sustainable development of the enterprise is proposed, taking into account the selected components of its development. The components of the enterprise development have been assessed and the strategic direction of the enterprise development has been determined according to the integrated indicator of the level of sustainable development of the enterprise. The necessity of carrying out the activity of the enterprise within the limits of the reasonably defined strategic direction of development according to the concept of marketing of relations is proved. The essence of the concept of relationship marketing through its structural elements is revealed. It is stated that in the context of partnership marketing, as well as within loyalty marketing, long-term relationships of cooperation and trust are formed on a favorable basis for each party, in particular between market partners on the one hand and business and consumers on the other. The result of such cooperation is the strengthening of the company's position in the market while creating additional value for customers and economic benefits for the company itself. The advantages provided by relationship marketing for the enterprise are generalized.
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