Keywords: tourism industry, Covid-19 pandemic, economic potential, investment


The article is devoted to topical issues regarding the prospects for restoring the economic potential of domestic entities in the tourism and hospitality industry. It is determined that tourism is a complex multi-sectoral complex that provides solutions to important socio-economic problems in the country, helping to attract investment resources and strengthen state budget revenues, which contributes to sustainable economic growth and welfare. Tourism is also an important factor in increasing the country's prestige on the world stage. The tourism and hospitality industry are a unique socio-economic phenomenon that encompasses the lives and activities of people around the world as a sphere of recreation and leisure, personal development, entrepreneurship, professional interests and employment, and economic development. It is proved that the importance of tourism in the world is constantly growing, due to the growing impact of this area on the economy, as the tourism industry is a significant source of income, employment, diversifies the economy, creating industries that serve this area. In addition, the tourism industry is a significant factor in the implementation of foreign policy. The structure of economic potential of the tourism industry is considered, which includes human resources, production potential, investment-innovation, and organizational-managerial potentials. The analysis of domestic tourism activities for the period 2015 2019 revealed that before the Covid-19 pandemic it showed a steady positive development trend. To overcome the negative effects of the Covid-19 pandemic in the domestic tourism and hospitality industry, certain measures and processes are needed, as only systematic and consistent implementation of state anti-crisis measures will help stabilize the development of tourism. It is proved that the tourism and hospitality industry help to attract investment resources and strengthens the state budget revenue, which contributes to sustainable economic growth and improving the welfare of the population. Perspective directions of development of the tourism and hospitality industry in Ukraine are substantiated.


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How to Cite
Yakimenko-Tereschenko, N., Koriugin, A., & Bykova, M. (2022). PROSPECTS OF RESTORATION OF ECONOMIC POTENTIAL OF TOURISM AND HOSPITALITY INDUSTRIES IN UKRAINE. Economy and Society, (35).

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