Keywords: power, influence, leadership, workforce, sources of power in the organization, strategies of influence


The article analyzes the features of the influence of the head on subordinates in various forms in the process of interaction between the subjects of the labor collective. The content of the concepts of "authority" and "power", as well as related categories are characterized. Power is based on relations of subordination, ie multilevel subordination, hierarchy. Subordination is established in accordance with the current management structure. The analysis of the development of organizations gives grounds to assert the decisive role of the use of power and strategies to influence staff as the basis for qualitative changes in group and interpersonal processes. The implementation of power relations requires an appropriate level of management system, ie the necessary rules and regulations enshrined in various organizational and legal acts. At the same time, the influence should be purposeful and positive on the part of the manager, and the staff did not resist such influence. Interpersonal (reward, coercion, expertise, links, reputation) and structural (knowledge, resources, decision-making, network) elements of sources of power in the organization, as well as other situational characteristics of power are identified. Ways of using certain levers of power can either increase or limit the effectiveness of the power of others. These five levers of power can be divided into two broad categories: organizational and personal. Most of the attention focused on power in organizations is focused on the power of leaders over subordinates. Situational characteristics include the composition of the organization, the structure of departments, opportunities for influence, access to influential individuals and critical resources, the position of the person and so on. Structured structural levers of power associated with a particular position or work (falls under the influence of senior management, the importance of goals and priorities of the organization). When managers, teams, or employees are faced with a situation in which they may influence the behavior of others, they must choose a strategy. The study identifies strategies of influence through which individuals or groups seek to exercise power or influence the behavior of others. . Therefore, to ensure constructive influence on the activity of subordinates, the leader must properly use power, depending on the situation to act in accordance with strategies of influence and take into account the fact that his decision will determine the effectiveness of not only workers but the organization as a whole.


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Oliynuk, N. (2022). EFFECTIVE USE OF POWER AND STRATEGIES IN THE CONTEXT OF THE MANAGER’S INFLUENCE ON SUBORDINATES. Economy and Society, (35). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2022-35-28