The article analyzes and systematizes the experience of domestic and foreign scientists in the main trends in the development of digital technologies in the banking sector. The importance of researching the influence of digitalization factors on the marketing attractiveness of a commercial bank for individuals is emphasized. The necessity of using digital technologies in banking activity, which improves customer service, is substantiated; reduces the bank's operating costs; accelerates the execution of banking operations and increases the competitiveness and, consequently, the marketing attractiveness of the bank. A sample study aimed at identifying the factors of marketing attractiveness of a commercial bank in the context of digitalization. It was found that respondents mainly use electronic channels to transfer funds and buy goods online. When assessing the weight of the criteria, it was identified that the most important for customers are the speed of service and security of bank transfers. Obstacles (barriers) to the use of digital tools in working with commercial bank clients were identified, most of which mentioned the remoteness of the nearest ATM, low level of trust in the level of personal data protection and lack of physical support from a consultant. The importance of the parameters of marketing attractiveness of the banking institution for individual customers was assessed and ranked. The factors of digitalization influence on the parameters of marketing attractiveness of a commercial bank are systematized (differentiated into factors of favorable and unfavorable influence) and the direction of their influence on each parameter of marketing attractiveness of a banking institution is identified. A numerical assessment of the impact of digitalization on the marketing attractiveness of the bank from the point of view of individuals. A systematic approach to solving issues related to improving the parameters of marketing attractiveness of the bank, based on the use of new digital tools for marketing banking products, intensification of CRM technologies in the process of customer service using Internet banking and mobile banking.
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