Keywords: digital tools, crisis management, crisis situation, financial crisis, balanced scorecard (BSC)


The activities of domestic enterprises in current economic conditions are affected by threats caused by the uncertainty of the market environment, political and economic instability, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Quite a several companies have severe problems in the process of their operation, including solvency; some of them are on the verge of bankruptcy, and a significant number have already gone bankrupt. Accordingly, the question which is posed to business is how to form a single algorithm for the transformation of the enterprise to avoid and overcome crises in case of worsening of the epidemic situation. One of the urgent options for preventing and overcoming the crisis for companies is to strengthen the transition to more active use of digital crisis management tools. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the role of using digital crisis management tools in overcoming the consequences of the crisis and its complete elimination in the company. Methods of theoretical generalization, comparison, analysis, synthesis, systematization, and systematic approach were used to solve the problems. Based on the classification of crises in enterprises adapted according to the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) of American economists R. Norton and D. Kaplan, the authors consider the theoretical aspects and applied principles of using digital tools to overcome crises in crisis management. The research aims to study the features of integration of business digitalization in the process of crisis management of the enterprise in order to identify, timely prevent, mitigate and overcome four components of crises: financial, operational (production), personnel, and marketing crisis. It was found that overcoming the crisis through digital tools depends on many factors of the external and internal environment of the enterprise. The practical value of the article is that according to the typology of crises that may occur in enterprises, the authors systematized and characterized the symptoms of the onset (or presence) of the crisis, the recommended set of digital tools to counteract the harmful effects of the crisis.


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How to Cite
Kulyniak, I., Kopets, G., & Horbenko, T. (2022). DIGITAL TOOLS FOR CRISIS MANAGEMENT OF ENTERPRISES. Economy and Society, (35).