The article explores a number of relevant concepts, namely – competence, adaptive management, multicultural competence. Attention is paid to the effect of improving the multicultural competence of higher education seekers in the future on marketing activities in the field of hospitality. There is no standard way of teaching cultural competence, and different programs are suitable for different organizations based on available levels of multicultural skills, work needs and joint activities. Some high-quality programs and teachers offer different methods, content, format and duration. Although good cultural education programs may seem different, they have much in common. Good multicultural training is based on evidence, research and experience. Organizations that truly value their cultural potential must be able to set academic goals and objectives. Some organizations may need a familiarization program to train staff on broad topics and concepts, while others may need practical tools and strategies to develop diverse employees or improve customer service. Good multicultural knowledge programs clearly demonstrate how they meet the needs of the organization or students. They clearly define the results that organizations and individuals can expect. Regardless of the method used, quality training programs give participants the opportunity to interact with ideas and concepts and reflect. They also include setting goals for personal or organizational change and proposing further action or evaluation. The existence of online training programs that offer opportunities for interaction and reflection and can reflect the concept of cultural and linguistic diversity to a large number of employees is pointed out. The analysis of existing higher education institutions in Ukraine is made. Also, attention was paid to the number of applicants for higher education studying at public expense and their relationship with the number of applicants. Attention is paid to the issues of professional self-improvement of teachers, to motivate the growth of teachers as the main factor in increasing productivity.
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