Keywords: industrial enterprise, marketing system, competitiveness, efficiency, innovation, digitalization, core competencies, public-private partnership, sustainable development


The article deals with the strategic aspects of conduct the modern industrial business. The evolution of development of marketing theory in the process of transformation changes of the economic systems is investigated. The features of application the marketing at the industrial market are exposed. The modern paradigm of the marketing system is certain. Сonceptual approaches to sustainable development of industrial enterprises and forming the sustainable marketing are outlined. Certainly, that marketing is system formation; the type of entrepreneurial activity, a management function, a social process, scientific discipline, business philosophy; embraces all spheres of human activity; comes true in the field of exchange with the aim of providing of necessities of consumers and, mediated, achievement of activity efficiency. The concept of «sustainability of the marketing system» was introduced, which is proposed to be interpreted as the ability to form, to develop and long time to support the competitive edges of industrial business, providing the proper level of it's capitalization in the conditions of dynamic development of market environment and despite influence of risk and vagueness of marketing environment factors, at what it is suggested to take into account such types of firmness of the sustainability of the marketing system, as marketing, productive, administrative, financial firmness, investment-innovative, social, ecological, partner, informative. Under the «partner marketing of industrial enterprise» is suggested to understand the forming of partner relations in the process of collaboration with other subjects of market on mutually beneficial basis and trust with the aim of increase of efficiency of productive and market activity of enterprise, receipt the competitive edges, sustainable development on a long-term prospect due to access to innovative technologies and creation of unique consumer value for maximal satisfaction of market demand in the industrial products on all levels of marketing environment. In of turn, «sustainable marketing of industrial enterprises», is suggested to understand – as strategic conception of business that is base on holistic conception of marketing, first of all on the partner marketing, innovative marketing, social-ethic marketing, ecological marketing, marketing 4.0, stakeholders marketing, that is oriented to providing of sustainable development of industrial enterprises – high competition position at the market, capitalizations of brand on condition of innovative goods production; achievement of maximal satisfaction of all stakeholders and society for due to the social responsibility in the partner relations system, іmplementation of scientific and technical achievements and introduction of modern technologies to the chainlet of consumer value creation; «public-private partnership at the industrial market», is as an institute of mutually beneficial partner relations of the state and sole proprietors of industry, on the base of that symbiosis and association of resources, experience and knowledge of both parties sent to the decision of publicly-meaningful social and administrative tasks on principles of equality and freedom on condition of satisfaction of all concerned parties are formed. It will assist deepening to catigorical apparatus of economic theory in terms of marketing and marketing activity.


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