The article is devoted to current issues of improving the mechanism of bank lending in Ukraine. The development of bank lending in Ukraine is affected by exogenous and endogenous factors, among which quarantine restrictions and the accumulation of significant amounts of bad debts by banks were the most important factors in 2019-2021. The results of the analysis of bank lending in Ukraine revealed negative trends in its development: "long" credit resources in the economy of the country are reduced, there is still a significant part of loans in foreign currency, there is underfunding of some important sectors for economic development of the country, there is imbalance in the regional structure of lending to legal entities and the population. The characteristic of four basic models of lending, which are used by banks in practice: product-oriented model, risk-oriented model, client-oriented model, socially-oriented model. In Ukraine in modern conditions banks more often use in their lending practice the product-oriented model with elements of risk-oriented model. The socially-oriented model is practically not used in banking practice in Ukraine. This model is typical for foreign banks. It is proved that the most effective modern approach of banks to crediting their clients is the client-oriented model. The peculiarities of the lending process when the bank uses client-oriented model are disclosed. Characteristics of the approach of JSC CB "PrivatBank" to the implementation of client-oriented model of lending is given. For individuals on the basis of customer needs to develop targeted offers, to segment the customer base. The proliferation of a digital service model using a large number of self-service features will lead to a reduction in the amount of services provided directly by bank employees. When providing credit services to business clients, the bank needs to develop different strategies for each individual sub-segment, focus on target clients and on individual industries.
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