Keywords: student-centeredness, student-centered learning, educational process, educational environment, individual educational trajectory


The article is devoted to the topical issues of analysis of the role of student-centered education in the system of training specialists in higher education institutions. The main ideas of student-centered learning as an approach to the organization of the educational process in accordance with its components, defined by the Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education" are analyzed and systematized. The peculiarities of students' activity as autonomous and responsible subjects of the educational process are characterized. It was found that the majority (54%) of the studied students are characterized by a low level of focus on the profession of economic profile, for them the predominant values are leisure, love, high social status and recognition of people. For the fourth part of the subjects is characterized by an average level of focus. These students are mostly interested in the profession, are interested in professionally important information, but their professional orientation is not stable and selective. Only a minority (21%) of economic students are characterized by a strong professional orientation. So, higher education institutions should create an educational environment that will meet the needs and interests of higher education seekers, taking into account all levels of professional orientation of students. It is determined that an important direction of meeting the needs and interests of higher education seekers is the formation of an individual educational trajectory. It provides for the training of the applicant for higher education carried out according to the Individual Curriculum, which is developed for the academic year on the basis of the educational program, curriculum and includes all compulsory and optional educational components; selection of higher education disciplines and the level of their complexity in the amount of not less than 25% of the total number of ECTS credits of the educational program; individualization in the organization of independent work of the student and in the process of conducting individual-consultative classes; opportunity to study, intern or conduct research activities in another institution of higher education (scientific institution) in Ukraine or abroad on the basis of academic mobility. The construction of the educational process on the basis of mutual respect and partnership is highlighted and the main tools of student-centered learning used at Poltava State Agrarian University are studied.


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