The article is devoted to the issue of team building as a modern technology of staff management, specification and substantiation of the concept of "super-team" as a technology that increases the efficiency of personnel in times of uncertainty. Destructive effects of uncertainty in the new economy are induced by unforeseen situations. Uncertainty is the low level of awareness of future events that affect performance and riskiness of the modern economy. Given the possible negative consequences of uncertainty when working with an organization's staff, an important aspect is the implementation of modern team building technologies to timely eliminate negative consequences of the chaotic dynamics of uncertainty. The main scientific theories and approaches to team building were considered, which enabled to draw conclusions about the relevance and effectiveness of all classical models and methods of team building in a group. The authors highlight the most effective approaches to team building models, namely, integrated models focused on team development and team goals, individual and psychological characteristics of team members and their interpersonal communication. The main differences between the concept of "super-team" and traditional team were substantiated. Super-team is a modern HR technology that combines human and technical capabilities, artificial intelligence, which in turn increases the efficiency of human labor. The synergy of human capabilities and new technologies is the main distinguishing feature of super-teams that can eliminate the destructive effects of uncertainty. To fulfill the objectives of the study, a systematic approach was used to analyze modern HR-technologies and identify the most popular approaches and theories of team building. Methodological methods of researching scientific phenomena and processes such as the methods of comparison, generalization, abstraction and deduction to substantiate theoretical and methodological approaches to the interpretation of the concepts of "team", "team building" and "super-team" also formed the methodological basis. For solving particular problems, the abstract-logical method of scientific research was used in order to substantiate the important role of team building in the implementation of modern technologies of personnel management in times of uncertainty.
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