Keywords: football industry, financial fair play, Bosman case, transfer agreement, top clubs


The relevance of the study is due to the high rate of development, as well as significant volumes of cash flow generation from the sports industry in general, and the professional football sector in particular. The aim of the study is a theoretical analysis of current trends and prospects for the development of the professional football industry as an independent academic sphere according to financial and economic science. The following general scientific and applied research methods were used in the research process: theoretical generalization – to determine the essence and foundations of the object of study and the formation of conclusions; comparative analysis – to study trends and prospects for professional football development in the context of economics; statistical methods – for processing information data that formed the factual basis of the study. The author focuses on the dualistic origins of modern professional football, which combines sports and commercial components. The influence of «Bosman case» and the rules of «financial fair play», the development of the professional football industry in the context of globalization are analyzed. The main focus is on European football, where modern trends are most pronounced. The source of information was the annual reports of audit firms, specialized analytical laboratories and FIFA data. Based on the results of the study, the author made an attempt to predict future scenarios for the development of the professional football industry in the post-pandemic period. As a result of globalization processes, the author predicts the creation of a full-fledged «Super League» championship of leading clubs with the greatest financial opportunities, as well as the emergence of polycentrism phenomenon in the global football industry. The forecast scenarios and prospects of the football industry, formulated by the author, can be used in practice to assess the economic potential and formulate a strategy for professional football leagues and clubs. Further prospects for research include a comprehensive verification of the hypothesis of close relationship between sports performance and funding at all economic levels, as well as the assessment of the sports industry from the standpoint of global and national regulation.


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