The article is devoted to the problem of diverse analysis of competitive advantages of Pepsi Co, as one of the most famous diversified and multinational companies in the world. The need for such analysis is explained by the wide penetration of PepsiCo in all continents and in most countries of the world, including Ukraine, where its representative is “Sandora” LLC. The Covid-19 pandemic has shown, how really small is our world, and how many common sides we have despite seemingly numerous differences. Regardless of the different socio-economic policies of the countries of the world, PepsiCo develops a global competitive policy and uses basic competitive moves. The authors of this article tried to assess the feasibility and success of such moves. For this, a wide range of competitive analysis tools was used, supplemented by evaluation tables with scores and comments. A generalization of the strengths and weaknesses of this company at this stage of its development is made. The use of strengths and consideration of weaknesses in the implementation of a set of competitive moves by PepsiCo at the different markets was assessed. Porter's Five Forces analysis was applied to determine the competitive position of PepsiCo and to understand the existing basis for making recommendations for further actions of this company. Competitive analysis is complemented by macro-environment analysis using the PESTEL method for a more detailed assessment of the impact on the organization of today's most important opportunities and threats. As a result, options for using opportunities and taking into account threats in the implementation of a set of competitive moves by PepsiCo were evaluated. Using the SWOT method, chain relations were established between individual main internal factors and the influence of the external environment of the company, in particular the competitive environment for its functioning. During the period of struggle with the Covid-19 pandemic and subsequent viruses, the world has increasingly switched into life at the Internet. Therefore, it is interesting from the point of view of competitive advantages to study the impact of global companies in the field of Bevereges & Food, which includes PepsoCo, on social networks. As a result, based on the use of all types of analysis carried out, reasonable recommendations were outlined for improving the competitive position of this company.
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