Keywords: competitiveness, competitive advantage, business entity


The concepts of "competitiveness" and "competitive advantage" are analyzed. The generalized characteristic of the definition of "competitiveness" is given taking into account various features inherent in the subject of competition: the ability to act on an equal footing and / or better than analogues, meet consumer requirements better than competitors, make a profit in a competitive market, organization and management components of the entity equal to or better than competitors. We have concluded that currently the development of competitive advantage can be systematized by different approaches. There are significant differences between competitiveness and competitive advantage. Competitiveness is considered by us as a basis for the formation and use of competitive advantage. Thus, competitiveness allows the company to operate on an equal footing with competitors present in the market, and the victory in the competition is not competitiveness, and competitive advantage. Competition appears at a time when market participants are completely independent elements of the economy, dependent only on the existing market conditions and the desire to outperform competitors. There is no doubt that at present competitiveness is considered to be the main measure of success of any enterprise. Researchers note that in the current conditions of globalization of the economy, competition between market participants is globalizing, especially with well-known global brands. Today it is almost impossible to find new markets, so increasing the competitiveness of its own goods and services is the main task of the company. The problem of increasing the competitiveness of enterprises, their goods and services is not new, but still extremely relevant, as it applies to almost all spheres of life in the country. Enterprises are forced to be in constant search of new reserves and opportunities to improve the competitiveness of their own production. To achieve a high level of competitiveness, the company must obtain certain economic, financial, material or technical advantages over competitors.


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How to Cite
Klochko, T. (2021). FACILITIES OF COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGES AND COMPETITIVENESS OF BUSINESS ENTITIES. Economy and Society, (34). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2021-34-48