Keywords: management, strategic management, economic development, development management, strategic changes, strategic change management, enterprise


The article is devoted to topical issues and features of economic development strategic management and strategic change management at the enterprise. The influence of various external and internal conditions on the enterprise activities presuppose its reaction in order to achieve the goal of functioning. Strategic change is the entity's response to the changing environment and a tool for economic development. The purpose of the article is to generalize the theoretical aspects and develop guidelines for managing the development and changes in the system of the enterprise strategic management. Emphasis is placed on the relationship between the categories of «enterprise development» and «strategic change». It is noted that the economic development strategic management of the enterprise involves the implementation of strategic changes. The essence of the category «strategic change management» is analyzed, the stages of management, features and characteristics, the main types of changes are considered. The principles and approaches to strategic change management are presented. It is noted that in most cases a set of approaches and methods for managing strategic change is used. It is noted that the project approach and project management methods are a priority tools for economic development strategic management of the enterprise and change management. The sequence of actions for assessing the level of the enterprise readiness to implement strategic changes is developed and its structural and logical scheme is given. The main reasons for resistance to change and the main stages of perception of change by employees are given. The direction of economic development strategic management improvement of the enterprise and changes which is the concept «creativity, analytics, the purpose» is outlined. The essence of the concept components is considered. It is noted that the creative approach and analysis in the context of the coronavirus pandemic have become the features that distinguish successful enterprises. They allow not only to adapt and survive the company taking into account the new conditions of the external and internal environment, but also to develop. It is concluded that today it is advisable to comprehensively apply the main areas of improvement of economic development strategic management of the enterprise and change management, including the project management methodology and the «creativity, analytics, purpose» concept.


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