Keywords: normative and legal regulation, planning, development of economic system, strategic planning, strategy


The main goal of this article is to generalize the existing theoretical approaches to the interpretation of the essence of strategic planning for the development of the economic system of the state, as well as to study the regulatory framework governing this process in Ukraine. The article is devoted to the generalization of the essence of the concepts of «strategy» and «strategic planning» in the context of the development of the economic system of the state; it explores the essential properties that modern scientists contribute in the interpretation of these categories. The paper considers generalized approaches to understanding the concept of «strategy», which consider strategy as an abstract norm of activity, strategic action plan and as a process. The attitude of the leading specialists of Ukraine to the conditions of the strategic planning system development in the country is determined. Most scientists agree on a fairly high level of elaboration of this issue, despite the fact that some areas of forecast and planning documents are not regulated at a sufficient level. The legal field of Ukraine, which regulates the issues of strategic planning for the development of the state economic system, has been studied. It consists of general methodological documents that regulate its development, documents on which strategic plans are formed at the national level, legal acts aimed at developing and implementing strategies for regional development and territorial communities, and normative documents at the regional level and at the level of local self-government. The normative and legal support of strategic planning for the development of the state economic system in Ukraine at the national level, as well as at the regional and local levels is generalized. A brief description of key regulations governing the strategic planning of socio-economic development of the state is provided. The basic principles of development of strategic documents and key indicators to be studied during the preliminary analysis are identified. The key shortcomings of the existing system of regulation of strategic development of the economic system of Ukraine are identified.


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