Keywords: restaurant, competition, competitiveness, competitiveness of the enterprise of restaurant business, consumer, factors


Restaurant industry is one of the most dynamic sectors of the national economy. The process of managing enterprises of restaurant businesses in conditions of fierce competition requires a fundamentally new approach to the forms of organization, types and methods of activity, in particular, restaurateurs have to make more efforts to enable consumers to identify their enterprise among other establishments of restaurant business. The enterprise must have such competitive advantages owing to which it could be one step ahead. The article is dedicated to the topical issue of studying the peculiarities of competition and the factors that form the competitiveness of the enterprises of restaurant business. The purpose of this research is to substantiate the theoretical-and-methodological provisions and to develop practical proposals to ensure the competitiveness of the enterprises of restaurant business. The author determined the value of implementation of modern mechanisms development of institutions restaurant business. The author suggested proposals to improve the management of their development. It was offered to use such basic factors as products, services, staff, image and price to estimate the competitiveness of the enterprise of restaurant business. It was determined that the special nature of competition in restaurant business was connected with the functions generally peculiar to enterprises: production, sales and organization of product consumption. Such complexity and functions combination of production and non-production spheres caused complication of a subject of competition at the enterprises of restaurant business. The competitiveness of the enterprises of restaurant business is formed depending on the type of enterprise, the functions it performs, the needs that are met (physiological, social and other), the characteristics of products, raw materials purchased for the manufacture of products. The competitiveness of the enterprises of restaurant business is a characteristic that reflects the specifics of the activity (production, sales and organization of consumption, the ability to meet the needs of consumers) and contributes to effective activity in conditions of a competitive market change.


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How to Cite
Naherniuk, D., & Kovalenko, L. (2021). COMPETITIVENESS FORMATION OF THE ENTERPRISES OF RESTAURANT BUSINESS. Economy and Society, (31).