Keywords: war and private business, ADIDAS-UKRAINE SE, post-war reconstruction, analysis of financial prospects, SWOT analysis of activities


The topicality of the topic lies in determining the perspective of adaptation of enterprises to the challenges dictated by military actions, including the annexation of business territories, destruction of fixed assets, migration of workers, constant risk to life and health. The main idea of the work is to develop recommendations for the private sector to continue working in Ukraine after a full-scale invasion, in order to provide the population with jobs, high-quality goods and services, and faith in the bright future of the state. The war caused troubles and cataclysms in the domestic economy as a whole and in the market of consumer goods, in particular, because a large part of trading points, shops, pavilions was destroyed and cannot be restored. Significant minus factors of the profitable activity of the private sector are the annexation of territories led to the usurpation of the fixed assets of trade enterprises, including; decrease in the number of the workforce – personnel of organizations; decrease in demand for clothes and accessories of popular brands, due to changes in values and financial capabilities; mass migration of potential consumers of the sports goods and services market; the lack of profits causes the predominance of the expense part of the balance sheet and, accordingly, the unprofitability of the activity; withdrawal from the consumer goods market of companies with a higher level of prices and product quality. The war also necessitated the reorientation of production to military lines, and therefore goods and services for civilians are not a priority; forced closure of shops, warehouses, sales points in the aggressor country; growing consumer sensitivity to the enterprise's business policy, the level of its assistance in achieving victory; and increased the global need to help the population, even in the face of the prospect of bankruptcy and withdrawal from the country's consumer market and increased tax pressure. And, in the end, it led to a decrease in the possibilities of receiving state orders, grants, subsidies, quotas.


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How to Cite
Bublyk, L. (2024). SWOT ANALYSIS OF THE ACTIVITIES OF ADIDAS-UKRAINE DURING THE ESCALATION OF MILITARY ACTIONS IN UKRAINE. Economy and Society, (64). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2024-64-4