Keywords: strategic development, strategy, goals of sustainable development, anti-crisis strategies, crisis phenomena


The article is devoted to the study of issues of strategic development of enterprises in the conditions of a crisis economy, because in the modern business environment, the strategic development of enterprises is a key aspect for their success and competitiveness. Taking into account the rapid development of technologies, enterprises must actively implement digital technologies. Business expansion beyond national markets can be an important stage of strategic development. A focus on improving the consumer experience can provide feedback from consumers and increase their loyalty. Manufacturing and domestic enterprises are formulating and implementing strategies that will enable them to compete effectively and adapt to changes in today's business environment. Since 2020, when the COVID-19 pandemic began, most enterprises have faced the conditions of existence in rather difficult and even crisis phenomena. In addition, Ukrainian enterprises not only felt the consequences of the post-pandemic crisis, but also found themselves in extremely difficult conditions caused by the start of hostilities. Today, it is extremely difficult for companies to plan and carry out their activities for a period of more than a year, and even this period requires constant adjustment depending on changes in the circumstances and conditions of the external environment. As a result, the procedure for creating and using effective methods and formats of anti-crisis management at enterprises, regardless of the type of activity and form of ownership, is becoming more and more relevant in the economic downturn. The negative impact of global economic trends on enterprises made it necessary to also investigate the effectiveness of anti-crisis management methods of enterprises, and choose those that are considered more adapted to domestic conditions. It is necessary to deepen knowledge about specific anti-crisis tactics, which depend on the factors of the external and internal environment in which the enterprise exists. From a crisis point of view, the variety is sufficient, and the selection of an appropriate set of measures to mitigate the consequences of crisis situations is justified. The timeliness of anti-crisis management research is also affected by the relevance of the problem of developing a system of preventive measures against crisis phenomena and the possibility of avoiding such problems in the future.


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How to Cite
Akuliushyna, M., Lukianchuk, O., & Hinkova , A. (2024). STRATEGIES FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF ENTERPRISES IN THE CONDITIONS CRISIS PHENOMENA. Economy and Society, (61).