Keywords: restaurateur, marketing features, signs and qualities of a restaurateur, behavior, personality of a restaurateur


The article proves that for effective marketing activity, entrepreneurial activity and, in particular, the functioning of restaurant enterprises, it is necessary to use the marketing features of these enterprises, business spheres, industries, markets in the process of production and offering of restaurant services. One of the key elements of the service marketing complex is the personnel who produce and provide these services to the client. In the restaurant business, this element is the restaurateur. estaurateurs as entrepreneurs are characterized by a peculiar composition of personal qualities, including acquired ones, which contribute to their choice of professional activity in the restaurant business and ensure its effectiveness. They have the responsibility (directly related to the level of profitability of the restaurant and their own fee) to create a favorable psychological space of the restaurant and direct relations with the client; identification, analysis and satisfaction of requests, food preferences of the client and ideas about rest and entertainment at the enterprise of the restaurant sector; creating prerequisites for the client's repeat visit and attracting the client's entourage to visit this restaurant. It is proposed to identify and control the marketing features of the restaurateur's personality in order to increase the efficiency of his functions and the activities of restaurants. The features and qualities of a subject of professional activity, a subject of entrepreneurial activity, a subject of activity in the restaurant business, a group of qualities and skills of a successful restaurateur, which take into account the peculiarities of his entrepreneurial activity and the specifics of the functioning of restaurant business enterprises, as well as personal signs of the success of a restaurateur, are highlighted. In order to increase the efficiency of the restaurateur's work, it is necessary to identify, recommend for use and control the set of skills and properties of the restaurateur, as well as the level of his "psychological literacy", which determine the results of his professional activity, methods and directions for solving problems arising in this activity.


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