Keywords: gas transmission system of Ukraine, gas, fuel and energy complex, capacity, energy security, transportation


Modern conditions dictate the volume of transportation and the service life of the equipment. The domestic gas transmission system is loaded by less than a third of its transit capacity and needs to be optimized, where the Ukrainian gas transportation system is designed for transit of 146 billion cubic meters per year. In 2019, according to the transit contract, it amounted to 60 billion cubic meters. Modernization of the gas transmission system should begin with an understanding of current and new needs of users, and then an understanding of existing infrastructure, technologies and resources. Asking the right questions before upgrading an outdated system, it is crucial to use the tools and mechanism to evaluate the upgrade process in a sustainable environment. The purpose of the article was to substantiate the mechanism for evaluating the process of modernization of the gas transmission system in terms of sustainable development. The dynamics of natural gas production and import is analyzed. When developing a mechanism for assessing the modernization of the gas transmission system, two points must be taken into account: first, the recognition that significant improvement is both necessary and feasible (albeit costly) in evaluating the gas transmission system modernization program; and second, taking into account the experience of implementing formal evaluation projects, especially those that use experimental and quasi-experimental formats. From this position, an extended mechanism for assessing the modernization of the gas transmission system is proposed on the basis of presenting the final assessment and analysis of the current state of knowledge. The advantages of modernization of the outdated gas transmission system are determined. In particular, operational efficiency: the upgraded system will provide better performance, faster transportation time and better experience for internal and external customers; cost reduction: decommissioning of inefficient equipment reduces operating costs; process optimization, adaptation to business conditions or rapid use of innovative opportunities to beat its competitors in the global market.


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