Keywords: land market, agricultural land, regional development, investments, infrastructure, jobs, economic challenges


ринок земліThe purpose of this article is to study the influence of the land market on the regional development of Ukraine in the context of modern economic and socio-political challenges, in particular, the Russian-Ukrainian war. To achieve this goal, the following tasks were performed in the research process: the concepts and functions of the land market were considered and the main aspects of the impact of the land market on the regional development of Ukraine were studied. In the research process, general scientific methods of cognition were used, in particular, critical analysis of scientific literature and the use of inductive and deductive methods. It is noted that the influence of the land market on the regional development of Ukraine can be quite significant, since the agricultural sector is an important branch of the Ukrainian economy, and the land market is a key element of this sector. Unveiling the potential of the land market can lead to an influx of investments, improvement of transport and social infrastructure, creation of new jobs, improvement of people's living standards, contributing to regional development. It is noted that the effective impact of the land market on regional development requires effective legal regulation to avoid the concentration of land in large ownership structures and preserve access to land for the local population. It is also important to consider the specificities of different regions and develop policies that take into account their unique needs and capabilities. The conclusion states that the land market has a significant impact on the regional development of Ukraine. The opening of the agricultural land market and the end of the war will stimulate an even greater inflow of investment, improve transport and social infrastructure in rural areas and contribute to the creation of new jobs. The influence of the land market on the regional development of Ukraine is a complex issue that requires careful analysis and the development of effective strategies for the development of the agricultural industry. For maximum efficiency, it is important to develop effective legal mechanisms that will ensure a fair distribution of land resources and take into account the peculiarities of each region.


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How to Cite
Duhiienko, N., & Lang, V. (2023). IMPACT OF THE LAND MARKET ON THE REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF UKRAINE. Economy and Society, (56).