Keywords: personnel management, martial law, management, management efficiency, motivation, remote methods of management


The article examines the issue of personnel management under martial law in Ukraine, in particular, that today correctly selected personnel and their correct management are the key to the progressive development of the organization. And personnel management, in turn, directly affects the process of organizing management and in the long run will bring a certain positive result. The topical issues of the essence of the concept of "personnel management" are considered theoretically. Peculiarities of personnel management were revealed on the example of Israeli companies, and the influence of martial law on the quality of management was examined. It has been studied that structural changes are taking place in the economy, which directly affect the practice of personnel management, in particular, this effect is manifested in the flexibility of management, decentralization and integration, privatization, the growth of innovations, the organization of work and the quality of working life, as well as in the strengthening of people's inclination to participate in management. The article places special emphasis on the characteristics of methods of stimulation and influence on personnel in modern Ukrainian conditions. Analyzed the changes that occurred with the maintenance of martial law in Ukraine, in particular, the fact that the focus of attention has shifted to the safety and health of people, and that stability is very important today for those who are in more or less safe conditions. Various approaches to the classification of social-psychological methods of remote personnel management were presented. Israel's experience is examined, and it is determined that the conditions of constant war certainly present challenges for business in Israel, including how to motivate staff. The main ways of motivating personnel during wartime are revealed and several remote methods of personnel management in wartime conditions are recommended. One of the examples of successful remote control during wartime is the experience of Google in Ukraine, another example is McKinsey & Company, which provided remote control during crisis situations such as terrorist attacks and natural disasters. The research conducted on this topic made it possible to consider modern problems of personnel management in modern Ukrainian conditions and based on them, develop recommendations for their solution.


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How to Cite
Cherep, O., Kaliuzhna, I., & Mykhailichenko, L. (2023). PECULIARITIES OF PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT UNDER THE CONDITIONS OF MARITAL STATE IN UKRAINE. Economy and Society, (48).