Keywords: investment, capital, economic theory, demand, supply, equilibrium


The article indicated the absence of prevailing investment market, manifested through low development of financial infrastructure, low liquidity of domestic enterprises, low income levels, all this negatively affects the investment climate in Ukraine. It is substantiated, that in the order to ensure sustainable development the country needs to attract financial resources, and to do this to consolidate domestic and international capital in the form of investment. In order to study conditions of the equilibrium in the domestic investment market to do genesis of methodology of the investment theory. In the research used methods of analysis, synthesis, scientific abstraction, comparative analysis, logical generalization. The stages of the formation of the fundamental provisions of economic theory are analyzed, namely the views of scientists on the importance place of the capital in the development of the country's economy. It is noted that mercantilists pointed to the need for investment in the production of the goods, which they considered the foundation of foreign trade and the wealth of the nation. Scientists whom representatives of the classical school distinguished between the concepts of money and capital, they substantiated the importance of savings and credit money in the formation of the investment process. In the article we noted that Keynesianism and Neoclassicism have had a powerful influence on the formation and the development of the school of institutionalism, which focused on the role of social, political and economic organizations in determining of economic phenomena. The main idea of scientists of the school of institutionalism is to attract capital to the scientific, personnel and technical potential. In the article explores the contribution of domestic scientists in the evolution methodology of the theory of investment: phenomenological alternative of the economic growth; the analysis of the influence of cyclicity and crises of the world economy on economic progress; the search for ways to update the idea of economic development. According to the results of the analysis, it is concluded that to ensure sustainable development of the country it is necessary to implement the strategy of investment development of Ukraine’s economy through investment and innovation policy, a set of economic, organizational and legal, financial and credit and other states.


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How to Cite
Novak, I., Shkolnyi, O., & Verniuk, N. (2021). GENESIS OF METHODOLOGY OF THE INVESTMENT THEORY. Economy and Society, (24).