Keywords: technology transfer, relationship marketing, innovation processes, interactions


The marketing management concept is focused on finding the optimal innovative solutions that best satisfy the target audience. The application of the concept of marketing in the aspect of interaction is designed to promote the development of new approaches to the management of innovation processes aimed at optimizing them while increasing the satisfaction of the subjects of interaction. One of the levels at which the marketing concept should be used is the level of regions and territories. The development of the territory depends on the quality of territory management, in which an important role is played by the innovation component, which involves identifying needs (problems) and the introduction of appropriate innovative technologies. Innovation can be considered as a set of processes, results and effects associated with the creation and dissemination of innovations in various fields of human activity, which contributes to socio-economic efficiency and the formation of a system of sustainable development of society. The development of regions and territories in modern conditions is based on an innovative basis – new or improved products, services, technologies, processes, organizational or marketing methods that lead to economic growth of socio-economic systems and their development. Management of technology transfer in the region requires the consideration of different types of innovation and covers all participants in the innovation process and the system of relations between them. Technology transfer includes interaction management at both the intra-organizational and inter-organizational levels. The most effective tool for the development of local communities is to involve people in joint activities aimed at achieving the public good or benefit for all participants. The purpose of the article is to determine the role of relationship marketing in the implementation of technology transfer tasks at the level of regions and territories. For the practical implementation of this task, modern trends in the development of regions and territories are identified. The analysis of local community development practices allowed to identify the main aspects of the transformation of community qualities. The main innovation processes and corresponding interactions at the level of regions and territories are considered. The marketing aspect of technology transfer at the level of regions and territories is considered. The tasks of technology transfer and management of relevant interactions on the basis of marketing in the context of regional and territorial development are defined on the basis of classification of technologies (social, technological, institutional, economic) and smart (smart) choice of different technologies in a particular technological package to ensure its success.


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