Keywords: logistics, tasks of logistics, principles of logistics, resource conservation, logistics management


The article deals with the topical issues of logistics as the main factor in the efficiency of the enterprise and the priority direction of its development. Emphasis is placed on the main goal of logistics because after it is achieved, the enterprise will significantly reduce its costs, optimise the entire production cycle, the realisation of its economic interests will be facilitated. Emphasis is placed on the importance of the timely provision of the enterprise with the necessary production resources in the required range and quality because the logistics of the enterprise is the basis of its effective economic activity. The main goals, functions, tasks, and principles of logistics are systematised because the timeliness of studying the issue of logistics will contribute to its sustainable development and form a stable competitive position of the enterprise. Emphasis is placed on the economic importance of logistics as a basis for the sustainable development of the enterprise. It is noted that the key elements of the economic importance of logistics are the uninterrupted supply of necessary resources, economical use of means in production, optimisation of economic relations between consumer and supplier, rationing of inventories. The importance of rational organisation of logistics, in particular the optimisation of the structure of resource consumption based on the introduction of new technological solutions, the use of economic and non-traditional types of materials and energy sources, is emphasised, which will be a key factor in increasing profits and profitability. It is also focused on the importance of logistics management, in particular its main functions: monitoring of available resources, resource requirements planning, analysis of alternative logistics options, inventory management, control over the efficiency of logistics.


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How to Cite
Varaksina, E., Kasyan, A., & Shevchenko, V. (2021). THEORETICAL APPROACHES TO LOGISTICS OF THE ENTERPRISE. Economy and Society, (24).