Keywords: personnel, personnel evaluation, personnel evaluation methods, evaluation, efficiency


In today's world, the procedure of personnel evaluation is an integral part of effective personnel management of the enterprise. Modern personnel evaluation methods allow managers to choose those more practical for a particular enterprise. In implementing an effective procedure of personnel evaluation, it is necessary to select the most convenient "package" of methods for the needs of the enterprise, as each of the modern techniques has its advantages and disadvantages. In this context, it is advisable to study the features of contemporary personnel evaluation methods to analyze their advantages and disadvantages. As personnel is an integral part of every enterprise, in current conditions, personnel evaluation and development procedures are becoming increasingly critical. Every day the evaluation criteria change and develop further, making it necessary to constantly be one step ahead and follow the trends in this area. In these conditions, research and analysis of new types and personnel evaluation systems are becoming increasingly important, giving importance to what is more effective. Staff evaluation, also known as performance evaluation, is a periodic evaluation of employees' performance by a line manager or a special department of the modern company. It is an opportunity to evaluate the employee's progress, praise his achievements and work together to improve efficiency and help achieve the company's goals. Most companies conduct staff evaluations regularly, usually at least once a year. The assessment usually includes an overview of the employee's different job responsibilities and habits compared to expectations. Evaluation results are often critical in raising career ladders, bonuses, wages, etc. In addition, regular evaluations help employees better understand what is expected of them, improve communication between management and employees, giving employees proper recognition of their work. This work aims to analyze and classify modern methods of personnel evaluation, study the peculiarities of their use, and identify their advantages and disadvantages in current conditions.


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Atanasov, M. (2022). FEATURES OF MODERN PERSONNEL EVALUATION METHODS: ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES. Economy and Society, (39). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2022-39-38