Keywords: strategy, strategic planning, strategic management, generation, macro-environment, analysis


The article is devoted to consideration of issues of the constituent elements of strategic plans necessary in the development of Programs and Strategies for local development, as well as the production sector as their main component. At the same time, a theoretical justification and clarification of the definition of the terms “strategy” and “strategic planning” in the context of strategic management in conditions of environmental uncertainty are also carried out. The requirements for strategic planning as an integral part of strategic management, planning stages, and the distinctive features of strategic planning are determined. The main principles of strategic planning are also defined, such as objectivity, goal-setting, effectiveness, efficiency, adaptability, competence, etc., which are designed to make it possible to develop strategic plans and their structure clearly for the specific goals of a given region and industry. The requirements and need for analysis of external threats and opportunities, as well as internal prospects and risks that affect the reality of the implementation of strategic plans are revealed. The need to use the SWOT analysis methodology of influencing factors to assess all possible external threats and prospects, as well as the internal reserves of a region or territorial association. The importance of using this type of analysis and its specification within the framework of strategic planning is noted. The requirements for levels of strategic planning management and the need to adjust strategic decisions at all stages from the mega to the micro level are explained. The structure of strategic plans for the development of the manufacturing sector is determined, developed within the framework of the local development strategy, which must necessarily include such a number of basic elements. These are goals, priority areas, alternative development paths, a list of sources of financing, resource provision, necessary organizational issues and decisions, management changes, assessment of risks and alternative developments, analysis of adjustments to plans taking into account changes in the external and internal environment.


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How to Cite
Dyskina, A., Akuliushyna, M., & Drahanov, A. (2023). COMPONENTS OF STRATEGIC DEVELOPMENT PLANS PRODUCTION SECTOR. Economy and Society, (55).