Keywords: finance, financial outsourcing, local budgets, predictive methods, small and medium businesses


Outsourcer services for financial management are not very demanded in Ukraine. In developed countries, an updated finance function is proposed, allowing it to provide customers with analytical, strategic and value-added / value-added services, and act as a business partner and consultant; become a participant and leader in the decision-making process; influence the improvement of performance indicators throughout the company. Financiers in the transformation of the finance function will fall into three categories: business consultants; business analysts; technical specialists. One of the areas of transformation of finance functions is associated with the use of modern financial outsourcing (F&A) tools. The problem of using F&A, expanding its functions and tools is especially relevant in the context of the digital transformation of the economy and the covid-19 pandemic. Improvement of the F&A mechanism in financial management of business entities is proposed, as a result of the use of modern analytical tools and analytical systems. The problem of organizing processes, both for the provision and use of F&A services by domestic and foreign business entities, is urgent. The genesis, problems and prospects for the development of financial and tax outsourcing in the digital economy have been investigated. Predictive methods for processing data sets are proposed to identify significant and insignificant factors, the rates of which are adjusted, in local budget revenues. The research was carried out on the example of the revenue side of the budget of the city of Mariupol. The results showed that there is no support for small and medium-sized businesses. In the revenue side of the local budget of the city of Mariupol, transfers are the most significant factor. This shows that effective management of the revenue side of the local budget does not occur. The study made it possible to identify indirect sources of funding to stimulate the development of small and medium-sized businesses.


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How to Cite
Laktionova, O., Kravchenko, T., & Tigranian, V. (2021). TRANSFORMATION OF FINANCIAL FUNCTIONS IN THE CONDITIONS OF FINANCIAL OUTSOURCING. Economy and Society, (32).