Keywords: quality of life, availability of medical services, income and expenses, poverty, overpopulation, material deprivation


The article is devoted to topical issues of research on the availability of medical services for the population of Ukraine at the current stage. Access to health services is not seen as a problem of the health care system, public policy priorities or public health. It has been proven that the availability of medical services should be considered as an important component of the quality of life of the population. In order to assess the influence of the financial situation of households on the availability of medical services, the level and structure of the population's income by different types of households was analyzed. Since it is an important factor in the availability of medical services in the modern socio-economic situation. Non-financial factors affecting the availability of medical services for Ukrainian households were identified, such as the type of household, place of residence, belonging to the poor and the presence of material deprivation. To confirm the importance of these factors, the size and structure of expenditures of households with and without children on medical goods and services were investigated. For households with children, the level of availability of medical services was additionally assessed under the influence of the factor of the number of children living in it. The next step was to analyze the level and structure of household expenditures on medical services depending on the type of area and their belonging to the poor strata of the population. Given that the full-scale war had a negative impact on the financial situation of households, the sources of financing their medical expenses were characterized. An addition to the conducted research was an assessment of the impact of material deprivation on the amount of money spent by the household on medical goods and services and how much it interferes with free access to this important factor of quality of life. Such an analysis makes it possible to verify the financial availability of medical services for different types of households. The influence of quality characteristics of housing, such as living in overcrowded housing, on the availability of medical services, as an important component of the population's quality of life, was studied.


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