The article considers the issues of the current status and prospects of investing in the enterprises of the tourist and recreational complex of Ukraine. The article is aimed at creating a model of investment development of enterprises of the T&R complex and developing proposals for a set of measures aimed at achieving the efficiency of functioning of enterprises within the T&R complex on the basis of attracting investments. The dynamics of investment in the development of shopping mall enterprises in 2015-2021 shows that investment had a positive trend until 2021, and from 2021 a sharp decline is projected to reach a minimum in 2026 – UAH 0.22 billion. Based on mathematical formulas, the study calculated an integral indicator of the competitiveness of enterprises by region of Ukraine. The leaders in this indicator are the city of Kyiv, Dnipro, Lviv, Kharkiv, and Kyiv regions, and the outsiders are Kherson, Mykolaiv, Donetsk, Luhansk, and Sumy regions. The generalised indicators of investments in groups of enterprises of shopping malls, which are united by types of economic activity, are obtained: temporary accommodation enterprises, enterprises providing food and beverages, and enterprises of art, sports, entertainment and recreation. It is found that in order to attract investment in the functioning of shopping mall enterprises, additional mechanisms are needed that can stimulate this activity: the creation of special zones with priority development of tourism and recreation, where the regime of the greatest economic assistance for investment and business development is established and the formation of regional conceptual innovative enterprises that will implement investment projects. It is proved that the basic principles of the investment model for supporting the development of enterprises in the shopping mall are: the formation of investment strategies for the development of shopping malls, the development of a regulatory framework for the formation of an investment strategy that does not contradict current legislation, the formation of an attractive investment climate in the country and a high investment rating for the tourism and recreation sector.
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