Keywords: business tourism, spa resort, Austria, Ukraine, international tourism, forum, exhibition


Ukraine's postwar reconstruction will largely rely on the rapid recovery of the country's leading prewar industries, including tourism. It will be important to use international experience, particularly that of the leading European tourist countries. The purpose of the article is to study the development of business tourism in the leading cities – centers of balneological tourism in Austria and to summarize their experience in the tourism industry of Ukraine. The following methods were used in the process of writing the article: the technique of analyzing literary sources; content analysis of the websites of Austrian resort cities and business tourism events that take place in them; and general scientific methods. Austria is one of the leading tourist destinations in Europe and the world, and among its most developed types of tourism are both business tourism and resort recreation. The analysis of three selected cities – the balneological resorts of Austria, Baden, Bad Gastein, and Bad Gall – showed that all of them are also centers of business tourism, and they annually host various forums, exhibitions, fairs, and congresses of various topics and levels. In particular, these are the European Health Forum Gastein, Badener Rosentage Baden in Weiß, Sommerarena Baden Art on Snow Beethovenfest Baden, Snow Jazz Gastein, Yoga Days Gastein, etc. These events provide additional advertising for the resorts, smooth out the tourist seasonality, and target local and international business circles. According to the Austrian experience, for Ukrainian resort towns that want to develop business tourism, it is important to have a separate congress center (in addition to hotels with infrastructure for business meetings), the right choice of business events, their proper distribution throughout the season, and a combination of business tourism events of different levels: international, national, and regional. To develop business tourism in resort towns, strategic measures should also be taken to combine the development of business tourism infrastructure with advertising and information activities and the search for investors and participants in business events.


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