The relevance of this work is due to the fact that in the era of globalization, penetration of information technology into all spheres of life, mass-produced goods have lost their attractiveness, which is the reason for business entities in the field of trade to create a competitive strategy that should combine the tasks of efficient use of limited enterprise resources with changing consumer demands. The institutional structure of a transformational society requires the formation of a digital economy, which, in turn, necessitates the transformation of business entities in the context of digitalization. Possession of digital assets gives business entities in the field of trade an additional competitive advantage, and the level of competitiveness of enterprises will be determined by the level of their digitalization. The article analyzes the interpretation of concepts related to the category of competitiveness. The factors that arise in the relations of economic entities and influence the formation of competitiveness are determined. The article analyzes the management tools in competitiveness management, which have a uniform, systematic and proportional impact on business entities in order to achieve a better result compared to other market participants with equal opportunities and producing similar products. The author shows how the integration of digitalization into all aspects of a business entity's activities in the field of trade is becoming an objective requirement, and how it ensures the survival of an enterprise and is not so much a competitive advantage as a vital necessity, a mandatory requirement of a participant in the competitive struggle. The technological trends that form the competitive advantages of business entities in the field of trade are allocated. The factors of development of competitive advantages in the digital environment are systematized and the principles on which cross-functional teams are formed for the successful implementation of the enterprise competitiveness management system are allocated. Directions for assessing the digital maturity of a business entity in the field of trade are proposed for the implementation of management functions and their implementation in the organization's activities to achieve the desired results.
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