Keywords: crisis, anti-crisis management, hospitality industry, hotels, service, services


The crisis socio-economic condition of hospitality industry enterprises generates an external and internal environment that destabilizes production ac-tivities. Demand in the market of the hospitality industry of Ukraine, in partic-ular, in the hotel industry, is decreasing due to martial law. The purpose of the study is to improve the methodology, theoretical approaches, and practical recommendations on the specifics of AUP and to develop mechanisms for im-plementing crisis management in the hospitality industry. It is proved that the mechanisms for implementing crisis management, the main elements of which are the goals, functions and principles of crisis management, have the greatest impact on efficiency. The assessment of the effectiveness of the impact of crisis management of a hotel is based on a criterion approach based on the relevance and consistency of the interests of the enterprise, market participants and stakeholders. When assessing the viability of crisis management systems, their effectiveness can be considered from different perspectives. For each economic category, efficiency is a discrete phenomenon that satisfies the generally ac-cepted principle, and therefore the definition of this definition in crisis man-agement can be deepened by considering different approaches to the concept of “efficiency”. According to the authors, the main criteria for determining the feasibility of implementing anti-crisis measures are the timeliness and adequacy of managerial influence in the development and implementation of anti-crisis measures and their practical implementation. The research used a system of methods and techniques aimed at solving the task, which included general sci-entific and special economic methods. The carried-out research allowed to de-termine information asymmetry as the main cause of problem situations in the implementation of crisis management. Information asymmetry is determined by the fact that the participants of the anti-crisis process have unequal oppor-tunities for access to information that characterizes the financial and economic activities of the enterprise.


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How to Cite
Sedikova, I., & Moskvichova, O. (2024). APPLICATION OF ANTI-CRISIS MANAGEMENT CONCEPTS IN THE HOTEL BUSINESS . Economy and Society, (63).