Keywords: fulfillment service, electronic commerce, logistics, cost reduction, increase in sales, scaling, online stores


The article examines the essence of the category of the development of fulfillment services in Ukraine, which is becoming increasingly important in the context of the growth of e-commerce. Fulfillment service encompasses a range of services related to the storage, packaging, and delivery of goods, allowing online stores to focus on their core business aspects. The key factors driving the demand for fulfillment services are: the growth of online trade in Ukraine, which necessitates efficient logistics; the expansion of the range of goods sold in online stores, complicating storage and delivery processes; increasing customer requirements for the level of service, requiring fast and quality delivery; the need to optimize logistics processes to reduce costs and increase efficiency. Utilizing fulfillment services offers significant advantages for e-commerce companies: reduction of logistics costs through outsourcing storage and transportation operations; improvement in customer service quality due to fast and reliable delivery; increase in sales by allowing companies to focus on marketing and business development; saving time and resources, as operational processes are handled by professionals; possibility of business scaling, as fulfillment partners can provide the necessary resources for growth; access to new markets through an established logistics network; reduction of risks associated with the storage and delivery of goods due to professional management of these processes. The article also characterizes the main fulfillment models - 3PL (Third-Party Logistics) and 4PL (Fourth-Party Logistics). The 3PL model involves outsourcing logistics functions to external contractors, while 4PL includes managing the entire supply chain, including coordinating the work of other logistics service providers. This allows businesses to focus on their core competencies while leaving logistics issues to professionals.


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How to Cite
Kukoba, O., & KhmeliukМ. (2024). THE IMPORTANCE OF FULFILLMENT SERVICE DEVELOPMENT IN UKRAINE. Economy and Society, (63).