• Yuliia Romanusha Bakhmut Educational and Scientific Professional-Pedagogical Institute of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University
Keywords: marketing, SMM strategy, artificial intelligence, social media, content


The article is devoted to the study of the theoretical foundations and the substantiation of practical directions for the use of artificial intelligence (AI) tools in the development and implementation of SMM strategies to enhance business competitiveness in the digital marketing environment. Based on statistical studies of the number of social media users and the share of consumers reached by social media advertising in Ukraine, the necessity of creating engaging and relevant content for the target audience – the foundation of an effective SMM business strategy – is substantiated. The article analyzes approaches of foreign and domestic scientists to defining the essence and structure of SMM strategies, allowing for the consideration of the implementation of SMM strategy models (AIDA, SOSTAC, RACE, 5S) in domestic practice. The essence of the concept of "artificial intelligence" is examined, and the directions and advantages of its use in SMM are summarized. It is established that the main directions of using artificial intelligence in SMM are data analysis and insights; content automation and optimization; personalization of marketing messages; and customer interaction automation. The article outlines the possibilities of improving the quality of content (text, visual, video, and audio) through the use of neural networks. Neural networks are grouped according to the type of content they produce, and their directions of use in SMM activities are outlined. The research results confirm that the integration of artificial intelligence into business SMM strategies enhances the efficiency of marketing campaigns, improves interaction with the target audience, and reduces marketing costs. It is proven that the main advantages of using artificial intelligence in SMM strategies are based on increased efficiency through the ability to analyze large volumes of data, generate high-quality and relevant content for the target audience, and automate business processes. The practical significance of the obtained research results lies in the improvement of methodological support for determining the directions of using artificial intelligence tools to create engaging and relevant content for the target audience, which will enhance the effectiveness of business SMM strategy implementation.


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