Keywords: personnel security of the enterprise, challenge, risk, threat, subject of security, intellectualization of the economy


In the current difficult business conditions for Ukrainian enterprises, among the key threats that most significantly affect their economic security, the share of those related to personnel is increasing. At the theoretical level, the expediency of selecting personnel security as a separate functional component is substantiated. The practical organization and implementation of measures by security subjects within the framework of personnel security is hampered by the lack of specification of the components of the categorical apparatus, in particular such concepts as "challenge", "risk" and "threat". Lack of reaction and/or delayed nature reduce the effectiveness of security activities. Timeliness of recognition and application of preventive measures is possible through careful consideration of challenges and analysis of risk implementation options. In order to clarify the categorical personnel security management apparatus of the enterprise, the following methods were applied: induction and deduction, comparison and systematization — when studying the essential characteristics of the terms "challenge", "risk" and "threat"; synthesis and analysis — for the formation of theoretical provisions of personnel security management in accordance with the nature of the influence of destabilizing factors; morphological analysis — to clarify the activity of security subjects in conditions of high dynamics of the functioning environment and instability of internal processes; abstract-logical — for theoretical generalizations and research conclusions. A critical review of the existing scientific work became the basis for the formation of the author's approach, which clarifies the basic components of the categorical apparatus, taking into account the realities of the security situation. It is justified that the challenge should be understood as a series of circumstances united by a common direction, which clearly indicate changes in the operating environment and internal processes of the system, which require an adequate response in order to fulfill the tasks assigned to the security subjects. Risk is a situational characteristic of the circumstances that arises in the course of making a management decision due to limited information support of the initial state and the subsequent course of the implementation process, which can be realized in different consequences, the negative of which provokes the emergence of threats, and the positive - obtaining better than expected results. A threat is a form of danger determined by the objective influence of external and internal factors with real damage and a decrease in the level of security, which requires a timely and effective response of security entities.


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