Keywords: restructuring, structural changes, financial restructuring, financial rehabilitation, financial and economic measures, increasing economic potential, capital optimization, debt management, innovative development


The article considers scientific and methodological approaches to defining the concept of "enterprise restructuring"; the urgent need for financial restructuring of Ukrainian enterprises is exacerbated by the general crisis situation caused by the full-scale war; content, tasks and main characteristics of the enterprise restructuring process; illuminates the economic essence of the financial restructuring of enterprises and its mechanism, its scope, main tasks and the resulting component; justified necessity of applying financial restructuring by enterprises of Ukraine; proposals are provided for areas of attention in its practical implementation. We present restructuring as a complex system of primarily financial-economic, organizational-legal, social-psychological measures, designed to update the organizational-management structure of the enterprise and its finances to create added value, increase economic potential and increase market value. In our opinion, the concept of restructuring in its interpretation should contain such terms as "updating", "financial and economic measures", "creating added value", "increasing economic potential", because in this way the goal and the result of achievement are emphasized through the narratives of "creating added value ", "increasing economic potential" and the effect of a certain instrument ("updating", "financial and economic measures"). The main purpose of the article is to highlight the main factors causing the crisis situation of Ukrainian enterprises during the war period, justify the need for financial restructuring, outline the main tasks. The resulting component is a road map for its implementation by Ukrainian enterprises, namely: optimization of property and capital; debt policy management; implementation of the controlling, budgeting and analytics system; building an innovative development model; growth of creditworthiness and investment attractiveness; choosing a development model that will ensure the growth of the subject's market value in the long term. Based on the materials of the article, it is possible to analyze the prerequisites of the crisis state of the enterprise and draw a conclusion about the need for financial restructuring and its practical implementation.


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How to Cite
Buriak, A., & Zaiats , M. (2024). FINANCIAL RESTRUCTURING AS A METHOD ANTI-CRISIS DEPARTMENT. Economy and Society, (62).