Keywords: customs policy, customs regulation, foreign economic relations, import, duty, customs fees


The article explores Ukraine's strategic direction towards integration with the European Union and the global community, which requires improving public administration mechanisms for the successful implementation of customs policy. The primary goal of this policy is to create favorable conditions for increasing foreign economic activity, enhancing its efficiency, and simplifying customs procedures and formalities. The current public administration system in Ukraine needs reforms to meet European standards of good governance. The importance of researching the formation and development of customs policy is emphasized to protect customs interests, regulate foreign trade, and integrate the economy into the global market. In the context of the war and potential EU accession after its conclusion, it is particularly important to align customs regulation with EU requirements, which will impact Ukraine's foreign economic relations and economic growth in the post-war period. The main tasks of customs regulation are defined, including the establishment of duties and other taxes, customs control procedures, and the organization of customs authorities' activities. The importance of implementing modern technologies, such as electronic systems, to facilitate customs procedures and reduce bureaucracy is demonstrated. The importance of creating strategies for all areas of state influence on socio-economic processes in the context of Ukraine's integration into the European Union is emphasized. The main objective is to ensure access for Ukrainian goods to foreign markets, attract foreign investments, and achieve stable economic development through effective public administration of customs policy. Key aspects of customs policy include the actual movement of goods across the customs border and the conclusion of commercial agreements, which contribute to the development of economic relations with international partners. The necessity of adapting Ukraine's customs policy to the requirements of the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement, particularly in the field of economic and sectoral cooperation, is highlighted.


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How to Cite
Skybinskiy , O., & Syvokhip, P. (2024). FEATURES OF CUSTOMS REGULATION IN UKRAINE. Economy and Society, (62). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2024-62-108