Keywords: financial monitoring, Economic Security, income legalization, control, money laundering, national security


The article is devoted to topical issues of the organization of financial monitoring in Ukraine as a way of protecting the national interests of society and the state. One of the modern trends in the development of the state is the search for new mechanisms and tools designed to prevent the impact of negative processes in the development of the national economy and ensure economic security. The main mechanisms that are in the hands of the state include the use of financial monitoring, which is able to combine monitoring systems for financial and economic processes in various spheres of economic activity. In conclusion, the authors considered the prospects for the development of financial monitoring as a component of Ukraine's national security, taking into account the risks inherent in the objects of the study. The relevance of the study of the financial monitoring system as a component of the national security of Ukraine is manifested in the fact that it allows conducting a comprehensive and qualitative analysis in order to identify the weak and strong points of the individual and national economic situation, to identify existing and possible threats to the economic security of the country. During the research, such methods of scientific knowledge as observation, analysis, graphic method of displaying statistical material were used. In addition, the article defines the place of financial monitoring in the national security system of Ukraine, analyzes the methods of financial monitoring within the limits of national interests. The authors note that the use of a risk-oriented approach in the organization of financial monitoring allows to expand the maneuverability of financial monitoring, to carry out a more accurate assessment of the existing phenomenon, taking into account the terms of implementation and the state of the object of research. In conclusion, the authors considered the prospects for the development of financial monitoring as a component of Ukraine's national security, taking into account the risks inherent in the objects of the study.


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How to Cite
Sereda, E., Sokyrko, O., & Shepylenko, V. (2024). FINANCIAL MONITORING IN THE NATIONAL SECURITY SYSTEM OF UKRAINE. Economy and Society, (62).