Keywords: adaptation, system, management, enterprise, market fluctuations


This article is devoted to the issues of defining the essence and types of adaptive management systems of enterprises. It is argued that adaptive management systems play a key role in organizations' responses to changes in their internal and external environments, including technological, economic, social trends, and ecological conditions. It is substantiated that such systems are characterized by flexibility, predictive ability, utilization of analytical data, iterative decision-making processes, integration, human resources orientation, continuous learning, and technological adaptation. A classification of adaptive management systems is constructed based on their content, nature, and target orientation, the practical application of which lies in the selection of the optimal change strategy according to specific tasks. It is demonstrated that management systems in enterprises can be adaptive in their essence, as well as under certain conditions (circumstances). The first group includes change management systems, crisis management systems, conflict management systems, innovation management systems, and resource optimization systems. The second group includes leadership management systems, environmental management systems, project management systems, strategic management systems, organizational management systems, knowledge management systems, risk management systems, quality management systems, and network management systems. It is argued that adaptive management systems are not formed spontaneously but as a result of certain challenges, including changes in the external and internal environment, the need to enhance flexibility and speed of market behavior, particularly due to increased competition, innovation activity, heightened risks, the necessity to enhance efficiency and productivity, and the prioritization of sustainable development. It is substantiated that knowledge of various types of adaptive systems contributes to the enhancement of management efficiency in organizations, enabling the achievement of better results and the optimization of activities.


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How to Cite
Heorhiadi, N., & Kubant , A. (2024). CONCEPT AND TYPES OF ENTERPRISE MANAGEMENT ADAPTATION SYSTEMS . Economy and Society, (62).