Keywords: taxation, tax policy, National Revenue Strategy until 2030, tax optimization, consolidated budget of Ukraine


The article analyzes the structure of revenues of the consolidated budget of Ukraine in the period from 2018 to 2022. It particularly scrutinizes the dichotomy between tax and non-tax revenues, emphasizing their pivotal role in shaping the financial stability of the State. It is noted that during the period of the Russian invasion in 2022, there were significant changes in the structure of revenues, with an increase in funding from foreign donors. The article argues that taxes play a key role in the stability of the state and the functioning of its system. Optimisation of taxation is seen as a possible strategic step to promote sustainable economic growth. It is noted that reducing the tax burden can stimulate entrepreneurship, increase competitiveness, attract foreign investment and improve social welfare. The article also describes the legislative measures taken in Ukraine during the war in 2022 to support domestic enterprises, analyses their effectiveness and points to the need to restore the tax system to its pre-war state in 2023. The author describes the adoption of the National Revenue Strategy of Ukraine for 2024-2030, which is intended to improve the mechanisms for increasing sustainable budget revenues. The article describes the key changes in tax policy proposed by the strategy, such as rethinking tax administration, revision of the simplified taxation system, introduction of a progressive personal income tax scale, changes in the income tax system and consideration of tax privileges. It points out the need for internal reform of tax and customs authorities as a preparatory stage before the introduction of new tax initiatives. Central to this is the restoration of taxpayer confidence, which is presented as the linchpin for the effectiveness of the envisaged reforms. Some negative aspects of the strategy are also considered, including the possible consequences of increasing tax rates and limiting the simplified taxation system for business. However, the positive aspects of the strategy are emphasized, such as the fight against corruption and the introduction of personal liability of officials.


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How to Cite
Sharmanska, V., & Zaverukha , T. (2023). OPTIMIZATION OF ENTERPRISE TAXATION IN THE CURRENT ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT. Economy and Society, (58). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2023-58-70