Keywords: digitization, HR function, automation, artificial intelligence, small business, medium business


This article explores the nuances of human resources management in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), focusing on the opportunities and limitations of integrating digital technologies into HR functions. The interplay between digitalization and the effectiveness of HR functions is examined, with a particular emphasis on the impact of digitalization on employee motivation and engagement within SMEs. The study reveals that while digitalization opens up new possibilities, it also presents complex challenges for business managers. The article delves into the influence of digital transformation on motivating and engaging employees in small and medium-sized enterprises. It is observed that the advent of digital technologies not only brings forth novel prospects but also poses intricate tasks and hurdles for SME managers. Changes in the technological landscape necessitate employees to acquire new skills and capabilities, thereby highlighting the demand for innovative methods of training, development, and personnel motivation. Moreover, the article identifies the advantages and disadvantages of digitizing core HR functions in the operations of small and medium-sized enterprises. It is elucidated how the digitalization of HR functions enables businesses to retain their human capital and ensures operational stability in the face of economic shocks, exemplified by the COVID-19 pandemic. The findings underscore that the digitalization of HR functions goes beyond mere automation; it reshapes the dynamics of workforce management and introduces a paradigm shift in organizational practices. The article emphasizes the need for SMEs to adapt to these changes to stay competitive and resilient in the evolving business landscape. Furthermore, it sheds light on the role of digital HR in navigating the challenges posed by external factors such as global crises. In conclusion, the article provides valuable insights into the intricate relationship between digitalization and HR functions in the context of small and medium-sized businesses. It not only highlights the transformative potential of digital technologies in HR but also emphasizes the importance of strategic planning and adaptation to leverage the benefits while mitigating the challenges associated with the digital era.


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How to Cite
Pimienov, V. (2023). HR-FUNCTION IN SME’S DIGITALIZATION PROCESSES. Economy and Society, (57).